Tj Bumpstop Extensions for a $1.50
To extend your bumpstops a small amount, remove the coil springs. With the
spring out remove the rubber bumper end by wiggling it back and forth while
pulling down. After the rubber bumper is out, their is a bolt head behind it.
Remove this bolt. There is no nut on the other end.
Washers Installed
Use three thick 1" diameter grade 8 washers placed between the lower and upper
half, bolt it back together. Insert the rubber bumper into the lower
half and your bumpstop extension is done. For my own Tj I needed 3/8"
extension so the three washers was just right. You may need more or less.
The bolt connecting the upper and lower halves is quite long so you can
adjust the amount of spacer needed. Personally I would not do more than .5" extension this
way unless you have access to a solid piece of steel rather than a stack
of washers that could shift under impact.
Steering Stop Adjustment
With the addition of larger tires rubbing of the frame, control arms, or leaf springs
can become and issue. Some of this is corrected with proper backspacing which pushes
the tire/wheel further away from the vehicle. Even with proper backspacing you can't
always eliminate all rubbing. This is where the steering stop comes into play.
In the picture above, 2 is the bolt that is actually adjusted to stop the wheels
from turning any further thus avoiding rub. 1 denotes the point at which the bolt
2 hits the limit.To stop the tire from
rubbing, the bolt labelled 2, will be removed.
After removing the bolt add a thick washer 3 or two
between the nut and the body it was removed from. Screw the bolt back in.