Airaid Intake
By: George “Kickstand” Pandoff
Most 4 Banger drivers will tell you the little guy could use some help on the highway. By adding lift, tires, and other mods you soon overwhelm the little motor.
Installing the Airaid Intake
The installation is well explained in the enclosed directions. Simply put; unbolt the airbox from the wheel well. Disconnect the airbox pipe (off the back of the box) from the rest of the plumbing. Install the new pipe and attach a couple of brackets to the wheel well to support the cone air filter.
The filter is pre-oiled from the factory. Cleaning and oiling should be done every 10,000 miles.
I was disappointed with this modification.
Before settling on this brand of intake I did a lot of research at various 4 Banger specific sites. In the end, the most recommend intake was the Airaid.
The problem with this kit, in my opinion, is the stock air intake plumbing left in place. An intake should allow more air in to the system by the most direct route possible. The first objective is met by the cone filter. The problem lies within the stock plumbing left behind. Too much re-routing of the air rather a smooth direct path defeats the modification.
Logically, this modification gained my engine something. In testing this modification, with or with out a throttle body spacer, I could tell no difference in performance.
I give this modification 1 out of 4 tires.
$169 through a local 4WD shop. Keep in mind many stores will price match or get really close to the prices found online.